Last night for some reason I fell asleep as soon as I got home at 6:10PM and didn't wake up again for more than five minutes until 7:45 this morning. I must have needed the sleep, but it still felt absolutely bizarre to waste an entire evening sleeping. I didn't even go to the gym or clean up my living room like I had planned, just got home, sat down on the sofa to play with my kitty for a few minutes before I headed out again, and BAM. Consciousness lost.

As unproductive as this was, it did result in an extremely vivid, extremely odd dream in which I found myself on a quest to find two large (and very tacky) pendants, a blue one and an orange one. I had been sent on this quest by Liam Neeson. I don't really remember too much detail now, but I discovered when I got the two pendants that if I held the blue one over my right eye I could see what Liam Neeson was seeing, and if I held the orange one over my left eye I could see what some other random person was seeing. Sneaky Neeson decided to betray me and take the pendants for himself (although why he wanted them I'm not too sure, they didn't seem to have much practical purpose), and I was forced to hide in an alley in some sci-fi city that literally had a carpet of garbage. My brilliant idea was to burrow under the garbage and wait for Neeson to go away. I was found, Neeson tried to take the pendants, and we ended up in an epic hand-to-hand battle. Which I won, naturally.

I realize that I'm probably the only one who cares about this, but it still cracks me up. ^_^

In other news, this is the second day my home computer has been in the shop - I'm really hoping I get it back this afternoon. >_<