My sister was briefly admitted to the hospital this week (breathing trouble, love the allergy season), and after that particular scare had been more or less laid to rest, my mom has some news she had to share with me.

"So the ER doctor who saw Caroline," she said in a tone of barely restrained excitement during a phone call. "You're never going to guess who he looks like."

I immediately start thinking about celebrities. "Who?" I asked curiously.

"I never would have figured it out. I was sitting there trying to think of who he looked like FOR AGES, and Caroline figured it out right away! He looks JUST LIKE Andrew! But cuter! And he's a doctor!"

That was so totally not what I was expecting to hear that it made me laugh. I was with Andrew for about a year before things fell apart, and my family knew him pretty well. My mom continued to tell me how much the two resembled each other, except Dr had shorter hair and was "cuter" (yes, that was definitely repeated several times).

"It's like Andrew has a clone!" my mom said at one point. "Wouldn't that be weird if you dated him?"

This was clearly out of the realm of possibilities - I mean, I don't think I'll be going to the ER any time soon (knock on wood!) and I can't think of any other way I would meet an ER doc - but it was certainly amusing to think about. Yes, it would be weird. And there would be a lot of potential for mistakes.

"OH! OOOH ANDREW! Err... I mean..."

"How was band practice? I mean.... work?"

Ehh... you get the picture. ^_^

And speaking of pictures, my mom managed to find one of Dr. Andrew Clone, and she emailed it to me. And she's right - he looks JUST LIKE my ex!