I had the extreme (mis)fortune of going to see Stop Loss with Mom and Kristin last night. And just to clear up any possible misunderstandings, it was misfortune because of the poor quality of the film, not because of the company. I wanted this movie to be excellent so badly because of the important subject matter, but the film was just ridiculous. I'll be writing a full review later. Suffice to say that by the end the three of us (all of us very deep, empathetic women) are sitting our chairs making a valiant effort to suppress gales of laughter during.... a funeral scene. No, we are not bad people. I promise.

My hands are getting very dry again, slowly approaching the point where my knuckles are going to crack and bleed. If anyone knows of a great moisturizer lotion that doesn't leave that icky greasy feeling, I would love to know.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is out for the PSP, and it's getting fantastic reviews. Interestingly enough, critic's score is averaging at about 8.6, and user reviews are averaging at 9.3. I'm excited to play it. In one of the reviews I read, the critic mentions as one of the down sides to the game that "combat is on the easy side". I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be too upset by that. And of course, the cut scenes look amazing.

I'm re-reading The Crimson Petal and the White, by Michel Faber. I'm over halfway through it, and I'm once again struck by how intense Faber's writing is. I'm not usually a huge fan of historical fiction, but this book, set in the mid/late 1800s, is so rich and feels so realistic that you can almost believe the author jumped in a time machine and hung around London in 1875 to do his research. It's beautiful, sad, and definitely keeps you reading. I'm glad I decided to pick it up again.

And that's all I've got. I'll try to harness my disappointment in Stop Loss to write a review later.