I would like to point out something.


I hate them. They're stupid. The letters that tell you that some big corporation is doing research and will give you money if you forward the letter to X amount of people are bullshit. The letters that say some child is dying of cancer but if you forward this to everyone in your address book someone will contribute money towards research are all hoaxes. And ALL the damn letter that promise BAD LUCK and TERRIBLE THINGS is you don't forward this to 10,000,000 people in 20 seconds are RIDICULOUS! I have never forwarded a chain letter. And you know what? My love life hasn't suffered-- my boyfriend hasn't left me-- I haven't died in a freak accident-- and Bloody Mary hasn't murdered me in my dark bathroom!

I light of all of this, I have come to the conclusion that people need to stop being superstitious, paranoid, gullible, and annoying, and STOP FORWARDING AND RE-POSTING CHAIN LETTERS!

I feel better now. ^_^