I've had a string of odd encounters while living in my duplex.  Take a look at Part 1 and Part II.  Actually... does three count as a string?  How many encounters would it take before it became a string?

It was my usual quiet Monday night.  I had played some World of Warcraft, eaten a peanut butter sandwich for dinner (being to lazy to actually prepare something), and was curled up in bed reading when the doorbell rang.

Startled, I turned from my Patricia Briggs werewolf novel to glance at the clock.  11:15.  PM.  I was seized by a sudden fear that it was my parents at the door.  Maybe they had tried to call to tell me my younger sisters had been eaten by zombies, but I hadn't answered!  I snatched up my cell phone.  No missed calls.  No texts.  Probably no zombies.

Cautiously I slipped out of bed and hurriedly pulled a sweatshirt on.  Maybe the cops were out looking for Ricky again.  It was unlikely to be my parents since they hadn't called, and Pat had a key.  I hesitated when I got to the door.  If I scream, my neighbors will hear me, I reminded myself, but still I hesitated (I haven't started my diary yet, after all).  Or, maybe it was Jensen Ackles!  I was brightened considerably by the thought. Stella hopped up on the windowsill and shot me an impatient look.

"Who's out there, kitty?" I whispered.  "Is it Jensen, Mom and Dad, or a serial killer?"

Stella ignored me.  Ungrateful cat.

When I finally opened the door I wasn't presented with the killer from Friday the 13th, my parents, or (tragically) Jensen Ackles.  The young woman standing outside with a shy smile on her face was small and blond, huddled in a gray sweatshirt with her hood pulled up, and looked decidedly harmless.

"Hi," she said uncertainly.  "I'm your neighbor from across the street.  I hope I didn't wake you up, I saw your lights on."

"Um... hi," I replied.  "Don't worry, you didn't wake me up.  I'm Becca..."

"I'm Liz," she said, smiling.  "I'm so sorry to bother you, but I've been meaning to come over and introduce myself for a while now.  Plus our refrigerator just stopped working, and I'd love someone to talk to."

We chatted for about twenty minutes.

And then she went home.

Ah, life and all the little random surprises.  Anti-climactic, I know, but hey - that's what happened!  ^_^