Ah, another vastly productive extended weekend.

First, I played World of Warcraft.

Then I thought about cleaning the bathroom, but played WoW instead.

Then I watched some TV.

Then I played WoW.

Then I went to bed.

Repeat for two more days.

Okay, so I didn't sit in front of my computer all weekend. Saturday evening I went over to my parent's house for a fantastic dinner of scallops, pizza, and soapipillas (no idea if I spelled that correctly). I can be blamed for that one - but hey, a girl can have whatever she wants for dinner on her birthday, even if it is bizarre. Right?
It was a blast hanging out with my family. When all of us are together, it sometimes feels like the most relaxed, boisterously controlled chaos ever. It's a welcome contrast from my oh-so-quiet house, and my favorite place to spend my birthday.
And, uh.....
Okay, I did that, watched some Supernatural, and played WoW. That was my weekend. And it was amazing. ^_^

Geekery ahead; you've been warned.
Most of my weekend was consumed by my need to play which eclipsed all else. And as far as World of Warcraft goes, it was a productive weekend.
First of all....



From the unofficial release dates I was seeing that ranged anywhere from December to first quarter '09, I wasn't expecting to see WotLK until at least after Christmas. WHOOPS! I was wrong! And I'm ridiculously excited, even though there are some changes I'm not thrilled about, and I'm not really sure how I feel about the new talent trees, and.... well, I'll save judgement until after I've had a chance to play. I know I'm resistant to change, and after I have a chance to get used to the things I'm sure it'll be just fine. Besides, there's not a whole lot I can do about it. The changes are what they are. So it goes.
I finally got my loooong neglected holy/disc priest to 70 and realized with a sinking feeling as I reviewed her reputations, gear, and talent build that when I was leveling her I still had very little idea what I was doing with Outlands content. Ugh. But on the upside, I can still heal 5-mans like nobody's business, even with an atrociously low bonus healing number. And seriously, I'm not even going to say when that bonus healing is. It's that embarrassing. But hey, my first 70! Exciting!

My current favorite, Harpy the troll enhancement shaman, reached 67. And her rep, gear, and talent build is about what it should be. It better be, with all the time I've put into researching this stuff. I'm kind of disappointed that I won't have much time with her at 70 before WotLK comes out with it's new level cap and slew of new content. It would have been nice to work at being 70 for a while, get my feet wet with raiding, dailies... I've still never done EotS.
And, last but not least, two new baby alts! Orc hunter, 7, and Belf pally, 14. Yay!
See? Productive weekend. ^_^