The Scene: I'm getting ready for work at a slightly less frantic pace than usual, and have a chance to chat with Bob, who has the day off, before I duck out the door.

Me: So what's on your agenda for today?

Bob: My hidden agenda, or my regular agenda?

Me: *pausing to consider* Erm... both. Regular first.

Bob: I'm going to spend the first half of the day relaxing. I want to play some World of Warcraft and clean. Then after lunch I'm going to take a look at your car.

Me: Sounds good.

Bob: But my hidden agenda... I'm going to play World of Warcraft for the first half of the day... maybe do a little cleaning. Then I'm going to take a look at your car.

Me: *well, at least he's still planning to look at my car, which is making weird noises when I turn. I am convinced that it's going to blow up* How nefarious. I'm really glad you're going to look at my car today. I'm coming home for lunch, do you want to just drive me back to work and take the car? Or will that leave you enough time, if you have to pick me up at six?

Bob: It'll be fine. I just need to look at it so I can order parts.

Me: *groan*

Bob: Don't worry, it's not going to be expensive.

Me: How do you know? You haven't even looked at it yet!

Bob: Because your car has a simple suspension... blah blah blah Car Speak, front suspension blah blah Car Speak joint, blah blah blah Car Speak blah blah....

Me: *eyes glazing over* Oh. Uh huh.

Bob: *begins singing* It's got a top! And a bottom! And a turny turny turny! It's your suspension!

Me: OOOOH! Now I get it!