World of Warcraft. WoW. Also known as The Addiction. I've owned and played this game on and off for nearly a year. I purchased and installed it in April '05. I took a fairly long break from it, but now I have a couple of friends who are playing with me, and once again if I don't get that WoW fix every day or so... well, let's just say you don't want to be anywhere near me if that happens. ^_^

World of Warcraft is probably the greatest MMORPG (for the poor, hapless souls out there who don't know what MMORPG stands for, its 'Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game'... click for further explanation) made thus far. I played EverQuest 2 for a while, and it just didn't do it for me. Sure, it was fun for a while, but it doesn't hold a candle to WoW.

Anyway, playing with my friend P has recently educated me to the art of manipulating men to give you free items, help with quests, and basically any other such aid as you could possibly need throughout the course of the game. Interestingly enough, P (a guy) has become very adept at this art by playing female characters.

Here are some tips:

1.) If you are playing a female character, every guy playing a male character will automatically assume that you are a girl. This is hilarious in P's case, who of course is confident enough in his sexuality to not only play a female character, but act like an especially ditzy chick. Unfortunately, he is starting to act this way even when we are adventuring by ourselves. Unpleasant side effect.

2.) When using the chat window, interperse *giggle* throughout many of your sentences. This seems very useful in convincing guys that you are female. I have never seen a guy use *giggle*. Ever. Except P.

3.) When adventuring with a guy, pet names are a plus. For example (we're standing outside a building filled with high level elites being helped by a high level rogue).
Guy: "Don't come in here yet, I'm clearing the way."
Me: "Sweetie, a team of horses couldn't drag me in there."

4.) Emotes. /kiss (A blows a kiss to B). /hug (A hugs B). /comfort (A needs to be comforted). /scared (A is scared!). You get the idea. Guy will usually come back with /bow (B bows before A). /comfort (B comforts A). Etc.

5.) Remove all armor and clothing so your character is standing in her underwear, then say in your Guild chat. "Anyone up for a nude run through the Wetlands? *giggle*"

As I said, I am still a neophyte, but I am learning from P, the master. I will continue to relay tips as I learn them. So far the above techniques have earned me assistance without even having to ask on difficult quests, a free sword that was twice as good as my previous weapon), free bags (more inventory space), escorts through dangerous areas, free healing potions, etc. ^_^