The 6 Weird Things About Me Meme
(tagged by Kristin, thanks a lot. ^_^)

1.) I am amazingly, fantastically, paranoid. Too many slasher movies, I think. For example, whenever I go to the bathroom, no matter whose house I am at, if the shower curtain is closed, I will move it and glance in to make sure no one is lurking in there. Same thing with my car. Even though I keep all four doors locked, I will still look into my backseat before getting in to make sure that serial killer with a garrote or butcher knife is somewhere else. Occasionally before I go to bed I will wander through my house looking in closets and behind doors to make sure I'm really alone. And, uh.... yeah.... you get the picture. ^_^

2.) I have the wonderful ability to sit and play the computer for 4 - 5+ hours at a time without getting the slightest twinge of headache or other ailment. However, this is only at home. When I am at work, I experience problems with my back, my wrist, my legs, and of course I get headaches from time to time after only a couple of hours. ^_^ Granted, World of Warcraft is way more exciting than real estate, but still.

3.) I'm pretty neurotic about how the silverware in my drawer is arranged. If someone else does my dishes for me and puts the silverware away in the wrong spots in the drawer, I get very cranky. I don't always fix it right away, but every time I open the drawer to get out a spoon or fork I immediately start feeling hostile. ^_^ The same thing goes for how my books are arranged on my bookshelf. Right now I'm rearranging some things in my living room so about 80% of my books are jumbled together on the floor, but that doesn't bother me, as long as they're not on my bookcase out of order! And of course the "order" that I've chosen for the books is discernable only to me.

4.) I eat steak with ketchup and chicken with mayonaise. Enough said.

5.) I hate cleaning my kitchen. In fact, I loathe it. This in itself isn't weird, I mean lots of people despise cleaning their kitchen, but I hate it TEN THOUSAND TIMES more than I hate cleaning my bathroom. And I don't know anyone who likes cleaning their bathroom more than their kitchen. Except me, of course.

6.) I have conversations with my cat. This is why I need a roommate.

Okay, all done! Of course, there are way more than 6 weird things about me, but fortunately this is the "6 weird things" meme, not the "25 weird things" meme, or some other such nonsense.

Well, I don't have anyone to tag, except for mom, and I think she was already tagged. ^_^