So I was randomly surfing blogs and found this: Where Memes Go To Die by Suburban Turmoil (who has several blogs, btw). She's hilariously funny, and I found her by visiting Kristin's blog for the thousandth time, and actually checking out her "shopping list".

Having been tagged by this particular paragraph - "5. Oh and you're tagged too. Yes you. Especially if you're a lurker. Especially if you hate memes. Tagged!!!!! You've been tagged!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)" - I decided I might as well do it. ^_^

The Anti-Meme

Four things I've done that were a complete waste of time.

1. Played World of Warcraft. For hours. When I should have been a.) going to the gym, b.) cleaning my house, c.) paying bills, d.) being social with my friends, e.) sleeping....... as you might suspect, the list goes on and on. ^_^

2. Played playstation 2, X-Box, Gamecube, Sega Genesis, and Playstation Portable games. For hours. When I should have been.... well, see above.

3. Gone to work. Well, I guess that's not technically a waste of time since it payed the bills, but sometimes it sure feels like it.

4. One total and complete waste of time occurs to me right about now. I locked myself out of my house with a brand new kitten inside. I called the good ole reliable Ex Boyfriend who still had an extra key (the only extra key) to beg him to bring it to the house, but oh no, he was going to see a movie and couldn't be bothered to come to my rescue. Best Friend B kindly consents to take me all the way to Ex Boyfriend's house. We get there only to realize that Ex Boyfriend put the wrong key out for me. Went all the way back (still keyless; remember, Ex Boyfriend is at a movie), and Ex had to bring it out to me anyway. Yep. Hours of wasted time. Needless to say, there are now at least three extra keys floating around out there.

Four things I'd like to do with every meme ever written.

1. Print them out and put them in some kind of steel lock box, then bury it with some crucifixes, the Koran, and maybe a Buddah or two so archaeologists from the far future can one day find them and try to decipher their hidden religious meanings.

2. Fill them out. Seriously, I have this strange compulsion to do every meme that someone asks me to do. Actually, that probably could have been put in the 6 Weird Things About Me meme....

3. Post them all on Myspace to piss people off. ^_^

4. Print them all out and put them in a book that would be passed down to all future generations with the gravity and weight normally associated with the bible. Yep, that would be awesome. ^_^

Four embarrassing physical traits I don't like people to know about.

1. When I'm in the water along with my fingers pruning up I get large areas on my palms that look like lizard skin. It's weird.

2. The fact that I'm like twelve thousand sizes bigger than I used to be. 'Nuff said.

3. .......

4. Okay, I'm cheating, but amazingly enough I can't think of anything else. I'm fairly comfortable inside my skin.

Four reasons I dislike memes

1. They're generally a waste of time. There's plenty of things I should be doing right now, like a.) going to the gym, b.) cleaning my house..... etc.

2. That compulsion I have to fill them out disturbs me. Yet I can't escape it.

3. I dislike them because millions of emo teenagers love them so very much. And I try to dislike everything that millions of emo teenagers love.

4. Because I do. So there.

Four celebrities I'd like to prank call.

1. Britany Spears (not even sure if I spelled her name right). "Hey. Once I had a nightmare about you. Thanks a lot."

2. Clive Owen. "OMG I'm talking to Clive Owen! Can I be your love slave??"

3. Elijah Wood. "Frodo, you failed! Bush has the Ring!"

4. Dane Cook. "I'm a vomit breathing dragon! LOL!"

Four reasons why there are maybe one or two people who (gasp!) don't like me..

1. I'm stubborn. To a fault. I've had lots of friends complain about it.

2. I'm very shy, which leads people to think I'm rude, anti-social, have a superiority complex, etc. I'm fantastic one or two on one with people I don't know, but put me in a group of strangers and I retreat to my own little world. I'm not an introvert. No, really!

3. If you get into a car with me and don't like my music, you will quickly hate me. I listen to metal. Loudly.

4. I'm very honest, occasionally brutally so. You'd be surprised at how quickly that can earn you enmity.

Four people I'm tagging who would almost certainly never, ever do a meme





See? None of these people will ever do a meme! ^_^