It's been a while since I've posted, which would be because I've done absolutely nothing exciting. Certainly after my harrowing experience at Fort Worden, little things like my flowers blooming and Stella the kitty actually seeming to regress back to kittenhood and lunge at my ankles during inconvenient times just kind of seems to pale in comparison.


I have made some very positive changes in my lifestyle. Changes that I've been saying I need to make for a very long time now, and lacked the drive to actually implement.

Healthy eating and a hard workout routine.

Exciting? Well, it might not sound like it, but for me it is. I feel ten times better than I have in a long time. And I'm really excited about the personal trainer-created weight room routine that my friend and I have been doing - it makes every other weight training routine I've ever done look like a kid's game of make believe. So entire body weight training three times a week, yoga twice a week, and cardio five to six times a week plus actually eating right will eventually transform me into THIS!

Okay, so maybe I won't be as bad ass as She Hulk.

Maybe. Maybe I will transform into She Hulk. You never know.


But... you know.... without the green skin and hair and all.