Brazilian Wandering Spider Venom
So. Those who know me know about my strange fascination/fear for Brazilian Wandering Spiders.
I am reminded that three years ago in April is when that pub chef in England was bitten by the BWS hiding in a crate of bananas.
Thinking about that I did a quick google search for BWS news, as I do from time to time. Mostly to make sure that there hasn't been a population surge in western Washington. What? But BWS only lives in South / Central America? That's what YOU think. What happens when they adapt to our climate, storm all the banana crates they can find, and TAKE OVER? HUH? HUH?!
Paranoid? Me? Pffft.
But anyway, I found this tidbit of information:
Natural Viagra: Spider Bite Causes Erection
By Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Staff Writer
posted: 01 May, 2007 12:10 am ET
WASHINGTON — A Brazilian spider delivers more than a painful bite that sends most victims to the hospital. Its venom stimulates an hours-long erection. Now scientists have figured out the chemical that seems to be responsible for the penis boost.
In Brazil, emergency room staff can immediately spot the victims of a bite from the Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria nigriventer). Patients not only experience overall pain and an increase in blood pressure, they also sport an uncomfortable erection. “The erection is a side effect that everybody who gets stung by this spider will experience along with the pain and discomfort,” said study team member Romulo Leite of the Medical College of Georgia. “We’re hoping eventually this will end up in the development of real drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.”
This information was confirmed in a BBC article.
Just wow.
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I freaking hate spiders! *shivers*
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