Lego Star Wars

Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy for the Playstation 2 is AMAZING!
Evidence - The Last Ritual
Evidence - The Last Ritual. Sitting on the shelf at Target it appeared innocuous, a PC game cleverly packed in a sealed plastic "evidence" bag. The case was clear plastic, and on the cover was a evidence label with the names of the police officers who checked it in, the dates and times, etc. I was struck. The back promised an intriguing puzzle based game focused on catching a serial killer called The Phoenix.

Conversations - Women's Secrets
The scene: Standing outside my office building, leaning on Bob's car, hanging out until my lunch break finally comes to an end and I have to go back to work.
Bob: "I was reading an article about the oldest man alive."
Me: "Oh yeah?"
Bob: "Yeah. He's Japanese, and is 111. He attributes his good health to never having smoked or drank alcohol."
Me: *laughing* Wow, never drank alcohol? What's the point of life???"
Bob: *laughing as well* I know. Anyway, he looks great. I mean, he's old, but he looks great."
Me: "That's cool. I guess I should stop drinking and start eating sushi."
Bob: "Weird thing is, the oldest living woman is from the same village."
Me: "Huh. How old is she?"
Bob: "114."
Me: *laughing* "Yep, that's because it's been statistically proven that women live longer than men."
Bob: *scornful noise*
Me: *lecturing tone* "Men say it's because women nag them to death, but it's just because they don't want to admit that women are the genetically superior gender. It's sad, but true."
Bob: "It's because women suck the souls of of men. They suck the life force away from men to sustain their own life. Soul sucking fiends!"
Me: *eyes widen, staring at Bob*
Bob: "What?"
Me: "YOU'VE DISCOVERED OUR PLAN! Our wicked scheme to one day control the human race and lock men away like the cattle you are, to feed upon at will and make us nearly immortal! How did you know??? We were so careful never to let on! You man, you could never figure it out on your own! Who betrayed us?!?!"
*long pause*
Me: "I mean.... that's ridiculous."
World Naked Bike Ride
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Battlestar Mania

Bathroom Graffiti
The first few months of 2006 were difficult ones for me. The office where I work was in total upheaval, I was moving to a more expensive place and the bills were piling up, and my best friend's mother, whom I had been close to, was losing a battle with breast cancer.
One night my boyfriend at the time had a show his band was playing in Kirkland, and I went along with him. The show was at some shitty little dive bar, as they so often were. Towards the end of the evening I decided to brave the bathroom, because after several beers even the prospect of a filthy dive bar public restroom isn't enough to make your bladder agree to hold on for another half an hour, even if you beg. ^_^
In this restroom was more graffiti than I have ever seen. Covering the sides of the stalls were the usual anecdotes about sex, name calling, and political slogans. Crudity in black ink. Amused, I was entertaining myself by reading a few of the sentences, laughing at the improbable drawings of male anatomy, when I saw it. Surrounded by important quotes such as "I <3 Lucas, best sex ever!", "Impeach Bush", and "Katherine is a whore", was one sentence that struck me:
"It just is."
Just three words, written in small letters, diminutive next to the rest of the phrases that people had been in a hurry to scrawl across the side of a toilet stall. And I found in those three words surrounded by filth, something so profound I can't quite express it. It's amazing what you find when you really need something, but you don't know quite what it is that you need. I think about that phrase that I found surrounded by graffiti whenever I'm depressed or stressed out, and sometimes it helps. Not always, but enough. So to whoever thought to write "it just is" in a public restroom, my hat is off to you. Thank you for giving me those three words.